Friday, January 13, 2012

Army Sports

Who served in the army - in the circus do not laugh! Army Sports - nothing but a simulation of military service. You will feel in their own skin brunt of army routine. Exhausting training, challenging assignments, querulous, screaming sergeant and, of course, the inimitable humor army.
It all starts with a simple drill: "Stand at attention!", "Left", "Wind-in", "On the shoulder!" - An army drill.
The sudden alarm! March to the rear of the alleged enemy. Tripped? Fell in the mud? - Get in the face!
Shooting range: moving targets and know how to be civil - God forbid to touch! His breath? Get in the tank - the enemy does not sleep!
Minefield will not relax.
Again, anxiety - the enemy is building an air base in our territory! Troopers - go ahead! So that the enemy had not noticed - the parachute open as possible to the ground. There is no room for error!
And only one thought warms, "Dembele - inevitable!"
240x320 screen is exposed by hand.

 Produsen: FDGSoft
Ambil 128x128 (eng) (109,40 KB)
Ambil 128x160 (149,25 KB)
Download 176x220 dan 240x320 (150,74 KB)

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